Daniel Fage
SAP Recruitment Executive
About me: As someone who had been focused on the aviation industry since childhood, I could have never predicted that I'd have the opportunity to join the recruitment industry the way that I did having been working a typical part-time sales job, whilst working towards my pilot's license, and having my customer invite me to join his company. Here I am, continuing to make headway and proving myself at Linksap Europe, cultivating relationships with both my candidates and clients alike. I pride myself in my ability to form such connections and to go above and beyond in providing an exceptional service to everyone I look after.
Interests: As a licensed pilot, I enjoy taking the aircraft out for local flights as much as I can. I am also an avid follower of football, having supported Chelsea all my life, and mixed martial arts. When I have the time, I always love to get out and spend quality time with my friends and family.
Aims: To become the absolute best in everything I do, to learn more about this industry with every passing day; building on what I've achieved and continuing to reach new heights. I intend to give all I have to Linksap and set myself up for a successful future.
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